What is the difference between Rocksolid, Dy-Mark and Epoxyshield Epoxy Kits

Rustoleum Rocksolid v Dy-Mark Epoxy Kits

The main difference between Rustoleum Rocksolid and Dymark epoxy kits is the type of epoxy they use. Rustoleum uses a two-part epoxy system, while Dymark uses a single-part epoxy. This difference in the type of epoxy used means that Rustoleum will offer a stronger bond and is more resistant to the elements and wear and tear.

Additionally, Dymark epoxy kits are not as durable as Rustoleum.


Rustoleum Epoxyshield v Dy-Mark Epoxy Kits

Epoxyshield is also made by Rustoleum and is similar to Rocksolid in that it is a two-part epoxy system. It is is more flexible and offers more protection from the elements that Dy-Mark kits.  In addition it is also more durable and offers a stronger bond than Dymark. It is also resistant to heat and chemicals, making it suitable for a variety of surfaces.